Sunday, April 29, 2012

A dog's life

I have two dogs, two very spoiled dogs. I sometimes will stare at them when I am at home working, and they are asleep in their baskets, or around my feet. I reflect on just how easy they have it. Since I don't have children yet, I have taken to calling or referring to them as my children. I find myself saying things like "The kids need to go out, or The kids need feeding".

My Chihuahua is 11 years old and has been the most steadfast and loyal a companion that a person could ever ask for. We have been through so much together, and it breaks my heart to see him looking and acting older. I remember when I first got him- he was a rescue, and so full of energy and love. We had so many adventures together, and I referred to him lovingly as "my boy". He came to me with the ridiculous name of "Tiny" and I decided immediately that I would fix that. I thought for days and pondered just what would fit this tiny little creature. He wasn't fixed, and I noticed that he had developed a fond relationship with a teddy bear on my bed. One day he was "making love" to it and his lipstick popped out. I think that it scared him because he immediately jumped off the bed and hid under it. I was laughing so hard, but then became scared because could the lipstick come all the way out and not go back in. Eventually it went back inside, and the name hit me- he would be called "Woody"! Now we have different variations of it, "Woodrow", "Woodrow Willy", and just plan "Wood". I adore this kid and my heart will truly break when the time comes for him to pass.

Two years ago when my husband was deployed, I got the brilliant idea that we needed a second dog. It was just that, an idea, until my cousin called to tell me that they had rescued a precious Yorkie puppy that needed a good home. I love yorkies, as my mother and aunt have them, and because I am such a proponent of rescue dogs, I said that I would take him. The minute we laid eyes on each other, that was it. I reached out my hands for him and he jumped into them, and would let go. We were destined to be partners. I kept his name "Charlie" since it fits, but I formally call him King Charles Phillip Arthur George". He also answers to "Shit Head" and "Damn it Charlie". This kid is pure love and all boy, and has the most precious under bite that makes him look like he is smiling all the time! He has been a godsend for Woody, as they play together, or in actuality Charlie wants to play and Woody just growls and runs from him.

They are my special shadows. I may complain about them, but I know that my world would be so lost without them. The unconditional love and affection they give, only asking for treats and belly rubs in return. Because they are rescue dogs (and come to find out not pure breeds) they have a different outlook and personality. It's like they know that I saved them from an abusive situation, and do everything in their power to please me. I just hope they realize that in the process they saved me as well.

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